Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rapid Decay? Eat Away!

In recent food news, a McDonald’s Happy Meal was photographed after 4 months and showed no evidence of decay. Immediately, health food police everywhere declared that McDonalds uses too many preservatives in their food. Yes, it’s true: preservatives preserve food- but there is more to this story.

After further investigation, scientists at Washington State University have stated that ANY food with a high fat content will decay slower. When food has a high fat content, it also will be low in moisture. When moisture is low, it slows down the growth of mold and food won’t decay as quickly. Salt also acts as a preservative and foods that are high in sodium have a low rate of decay as well. Remarkably, McDonalds sell foods that are high in both fat and sodium.

The next logical question is, “What foods am I eating that are high in fat and sodium?” If I eat something that doesn’t break down on its own, how difficult will it be to break down once it is in my body? This is a no-brainer. Cut down on the fat and sodium.

The foods that decay the fastest in my fridge are fresh foods and vegetables. Celery and cucumbers are essentially filled with water. My next sensible step is to eat more of the water based foods, veggies and fruits. That provides a double bonus: water has zero calories and water based foods break down quickly.

Today’s lesson is a no-brainer: Rapid decay? Eat away!

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