Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Walk This Way

Spring weather is bringing more beautiful days to enjoy. Today was no exception.

After arriving home from work, I took advantage of daylight saving time and took my dog, Snickers, out into the spring sunshine for a walk. Walking is one of the easiest ways to keep fit and it doesn’t cost a thing. You can walk anytime- anywhere- and travel as near or as far as you choose to go. Experts recommend 30 minutes of physical activity daily. A walk can be 30 minutes long or it can be broken up into shorter walks.

Studies show that physical activity, like walking, can benefit our mental health as well. It can reduce anxiety or depression and help in handling stress. Walking can increase energy levels and help improve sleep habits too.

The physical benefits of walking are well known. Walking helps keep bones, muscles and joints healthy. The heart is one muscle that is always strengthened by exercise. Walking builds endurance and strength. Over time, most people are able to walk faster and can gradually increase their distance and speed. Trails can lead up hills, through neighborhoods and into sunsets. Walking offers variety and gives us a new view of the world every time we venture out.

Walking is not only great for our health and well being, but it burns calories too. Less calories means less weight. Grab a good pair of shoes and enjoy a good walk.

What can be better than feeling great and looking great!

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